Here's What I Do
Accompanied by photos of things I love.

Email Marketing
"Who even opens marketing emails anymore?" A lot of people. And they're super effective. And I'm like, weirdly obsessed with email marketing. You want me to manage your marketing emails for you, just trust me.
Content Strategy
I wish I could show you the dozens of spreadsheets I've made that have helped me craft perfect digital content strategies. They're super organized, they keep everyone on track, and they're all designed to reinforce the campaign's goals. I even learned some of those little formulas that you plug in to the cells to make them more impressive.

Exit that Google doc and (for the love of God) stop asking ChatGPT to write your website copy. My passion for writing is how I got started on my marketing journey, and no matter the scope, I want to write all of that copy that you've been putting off for weeks now.
I've come a long way since blogging about cleaning up rodent feces (I'm not joking; they were one of my first clients. And that was actually some of the less disgusting stuff I had to write about). Let me help you reach your SEO goals.

Social Media
Everyone thinks they can do their own social media until they actually try to do their own social media. From content creation to campaign building to increasing your brand awareness, I can take care of all of that and spare you the inevitable headache.